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The BRAIN Center

The BRAIN Center

The Building Reliable Advances and Innovation in Neurotechnology (BRAIN) Center is an Industry/University Cooperative Research Center at Arizona State University (ASU) and the University of Houston (UH). This partnership will allow rigorous testing of efficacy, safety and long-term reliability of neurotechnology that would not be otherwise possible within the traditional ‘silos’ of academic, industry, regulatory and clinical communities.

Our mission

The BRAIN Center will develop safe, effective and affordable personalized neurotechnologies for diagnostics, restoration, enhancement, and rehabilitation of sensory, motor, affective and cognitive functions. This mission will be pursued by supporting innovative interdisciplinary research across the multiple dimensions of brain function and behavior with the ultimate goal of improving quality of life.


Research Experiences for Undergraduates Program

The National Science Foundation awarded (#1757949) the BRAIN Center at the University of Houston Site a Research Experiences for Undergraduates Program entitled  'REU Site: Neurotechnologies to Help the Body Move, Heal, and Feel Again' to train 12 talented...


Producing innovative neurotechnologies that can effectively transform the lives of physically and cognitively impaired individuals.


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Partner with us to develop and validate innovative technologies that address the needs of America’s  physically and neurologically impaired and the growing aging population.

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